Viva vom grauen Bandit Call for Pricing
  • Gender: Female
  • Born: 04/21/2020
  • Certifications: WB, AD, BH, IGP1, IGP2, KKL
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Why We Viva vom grauen Bandit

Striking sable with exceptional constitution and superior temperament. Excellent proportions with an even top and underline, well developed chest, and fantastic muscle tone. Distinctively spirited attitude and self-confident. Very loving and strives to be at her handlers side with a strong degree of handler loyalty. Follows every obedience command with ease, a true working dog! Loves to retrieve the ball and is a total joy to be around. Always willing to work. Calm when inside the home, good with children and neutral to other animals. Naturally protective and will alert to the arrival of strangers with strong barking. Transitions between aggression and prey drive easily in protection with powerful barking, strikes quickly and bites hard on the sleeve. Proven pedigree combines the best working lines known to produce optimum health, vitality, and high level performance abilities. Hips and elbows certified. To help you make the best decision based on your needs, lifestyle, environment and purpose please call us at (360) 273-6125.


WB Wesensbeurteilung: The WB is a temperament examination performed between the ages of 9 and 13 months. This allows the licensed judge to see the true character of the dog before being influenced by training.

AD Ausdauerpruefung: This title denotes a dog who passed an endurance test by gaiting for 12.5 miles at around six miles per hour with a ten minute rest at the halfway point, followed by a light obedience exam to finish. A requirement for a breed survey. 

BH Begleitungshund: The BH is a companion dog test and the first step towards pursuing Schutzhund titles. The principle focus of a BH is the temperament test; however, the dog must pass obedience before proceeding to the temperament portion of the BH exam. A dog must earn the BH before competing for IGP titles.

IGP: This title is for dogs who have passed obedience, protection, and tracking examinations. Titles 1, 2, and 3 denote how advanced the training tests were. A minimum of IGP 1 is required to be breed surveyed.

KKL Koerklasse: A KKL certifies that every dog in the pedigree has earned a breed survey, which deems the dog especially recommended for breeding. In order to get the KKL, the dog must have certified hips and elbows, a BH temperament and competition degree, a conformation show title, as well as a working title (IGP).