(SG) Christi von der Germanischen Wolfsschanze Call for Pricing
  • Gender: Female
  • Born: 09/19/2017
  • Certifications: WB, AD, BH, IGP1, KKL
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Why We (SG) Christi von der Germanischen Wolfsschanze

Top of the Line German Shepherd Family Protection Dog

Our top-rated female Christi is eagerly awaiting her forever home! She’s ready for retirement – now she can enjoy the fantastic home she deserves, for the special price of $8,500! Large and stunning dark sable with a broad head and an expressive, intelligent demeanor that truly sets her apart. She’s an absolute joy to work with, displaying incredible drive and a natural eagerness to please the handler. Her obedience and tracking skills are exceptional, scoring 92 in both of her trials. She easily transitions from passive to active behavior on command, demonstrating a high level of responsiveness and dedication. Her enthusiasm for work is unmatched. She’s quick to perform obedience tasks over and over, always anticipating the reward.

Inside the home, she’s relaxed and calm, making her a wonderful companion. She is trustworthy around the whole family and she gets along beautifully with other dogs. Naturally protective and will announce the arrival of strangers with strong barking. Fantastic in protection work, demonstrating full, hard grips on the sleeve and intensive guarding in the bark and hold exercise. Her breed survey highlights her exceptional working qualities and outstanding performance ability. Coming from a pedigree of top-performing, highly functional competitors, she’s built to excel in both work and companionship. Hips and elbows certified. For more information on Christi or to learn more about our home protection dogs and determine the best match for your needs, lifestyle, environment, and purpose, please call us at (360) 273-6125.


WB Wesensbeurteilung: The WB is a temperament examination performed between the ages of 9 and 13 months. This allows the licensed judge to see the true character of the dog before being influenced by training.

AD Ausdauerpruefung: This title denotes a dog who passed an endurance test by gaiting for 12.5 miles at around six miles per hour with a ten minute rest at the halfway point, followed by a light obedience exam to finish. A requirement for a breed survey. 

BH Begleitungshund: The BH is a companion dog test and the first step towards pursuing Schutzhund titles. The main focus of a BH is the temperament test; however, the dog must pass obedience before proceeding to the temperament portion of the BH exam. A dog must earn the BH before competing for IGP titles.

IGP: This title is for dogs who have passed obedience, protection, and tracking examinations. Titles 1, 2, and 3 denote how advanced the training tests were. A minimum of IGP 1 is required to be breed surveyed.

KKL Koerklasse: A KKL certifies that every dog in the pedigree has earned a breed survey, which deems the dog especially recommended for breeding. In order to get the KKL, the dog must have certified hips and elbows, a BH temperament and competition degree, a conformation show title, as well as a working title (IGP).